Judd - Team At PB Physiology


Judd Kerrison

Accredited Exercise Physiologist

Judd is an Accredited Exercise Physiologist, who graduated from the University of Canberra, in 2021. Judd's passion for his work stems from his interest in working with all people to assist them in reaching their goals. With a particular interest in musculoskeletal rehabilitation, Judd uses evidence-based practice to ensure his clients return pain free. Judd doesn't just stop there, he helps his clients optimize how they move and perform both on the field and in everyday life. Apart from providing up-to-date evidence-based practice Judd likes to explain and educate people on why we do things and how it happens, so they have a better understanding of themselves and their overall health.
Judd grew up in regional NSW and has a passion for all sports, particularly Rugby union. On the weekends, if it is not during footy season you will catch Judd spending time with friends and family, may it be back in his hometown or down the coast.


Bachelor of Exercise Physiology and Rehabilitation, University of Canberra
Exercise and Sports Science Australia Member (ESSAM)
Accredited Exercise Physiologist
Accredited Exercise Scientist

Judd Kerrison - Team PB Physiology